Residential Roofing
Don’t let your initially small residential roofing problems become bigger headaches. Call us now for your free digital analysis and estimate!

Memphis Home Terra Cotta Shingles
Your roof is your home’s primary waterproofing protection from the elements and can be designed to control energy costs. There are a number of things to consider when selecting a new roof system. Of course, cost and durability head the list, but aesthetics and architectural style are important, too. The right roof system for your home or building is one that balances these considerations.
Asphalt shingles possess an overwhelming share of the U.S. steep-slope roofing market and can be reinforced with organic or fiberglass materials. Although asphalt shingles reinforced with organic felts have been around much longer, fiberglass-reinforced products now dominate the market. Asphalt shingles’ fire resistances, like most other roofing materials, are categorized by Class A, B or C. Class A signifies the most fire-resistant; Classes B and C denote the less fire resistance. Generally, most fiberglass shingles have Class A fire ratings, and most organic shingles have Class C ratings.
Residential Roofing-Reroofing
You will understand the roofing process better and be more satisfied if you take the time to read the following information and take the recommended steps. We do everything we can to complete your roof to your perfect expectations.
Before the Project
- Attic Valuables: If decking will be replaced, protect items from falling debris by moving or covering.
- Attic Wires and Pipes: Please let us know of any wires or pipes that may have been installed since the home was built and may be within two inches of the roof decking.
- Driveway Access: Please keep your driveway clear during the work period. You may want to park vehicles that will be used during work periods on the street.
- Pictures and Shelving: Sometimes items hung on walls or placed on shelves may fall due to the hammering vibration. Please place these vulnerable items in a safe place.
- Exterior Clearance: Move patio/pool furniture, potted plants, gardening equipment or any other items that may catch debris or restrict the mobility of the crew.
- Electrical Power: Check exterior electrical outlets to make sure they are in working order or run an extension cord through a window.

During the Residential Roofing Project
- Shingle Delivery: Compare color and type with your contract. Call your Project Manager immediately if it is not what you specified.
- Notify Your Mortgage Company: This will expedite the inspection and payment process.
- Noise: You may want to make plans to be away from your home to avoid the constant hammering.
- Children and Pets: The working area outside your home can be dangerous. Please keep the area clear of children and pets during the entire working period.
After the Project
- Ventilation Pipes: After the roofing is completed, either you or our Project Inspector should check to ensure none have dislodged from their connection in the attic.