Skylights and Roof Windows
Skylights and roof windows from Admiral Roofing is a positive choice for any home’s design, but it is a big decision for any homeowner. Considering your options and understanding the benefits of a suitable skylight or roof window for your home can help you decide what skylight would be best for your attic conversion.
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Benefits of Skylights and Roof Windows
Skylights are added to let in natural light. Your power bills will be lower as a result of your reduced reliance on artificial lighting options. More importantly, natural light has beneficial effects on mood, so you might want to consider adding a skylight to your place if you want to improve the quality of your home’s life. The quality of sleep in rooms with windows is better for people who work at night. Sleep and circadian rhythms can be affected by natural light, which has a different balance of colors.
The benefits of having an open skylight include letting fresh air into your home, which reduces mold growth and improves home odor.
Skylights and Roof Windows: The Velux Advantage
It is understandable that some people stress about the addition of a skylight to their home, introducing noise, drafts, or unwanted light into their space. The good news is that these concerns do not need to become real problems. Installing a VELUX skylight professionally installed by Admiral Roofing, which has noise-reducing glazing, as well as installing a properly fitted blind, will ensure that your home will remain quiet, calm, and dark all night long.
VELUX has been the leading market for skylight and roof window manufacturing for more than 60 years. With VELUX’s commitment to energy efficiency and innovation, a range of skylights and accessories can suit any home and maintain the brand’s high reputation for quality. With VELUX skylights, you get maximum enjoyment from your investment by simply installing, opening, and maintaining them.

Solar Power Fresh Air Skylight
Solar Power Fresh Air Skylight
Solar-powered Fresh Air Skylights from VELUX feature a solar panel that uses daylight to charge the battery that controls the window, making them one of the smartest skylights in their range. The battery is highly efficient, so it does not draw a great deal of energy from sunlight to recharge, and it is fully concealed so that it does not interact with the neat appearance of your roof window or skylight. Your home and its contents are protected from water damage when this battery powers an automatic closure mechanism when it rains.
In comparison with conventional double-pane glass, the VELUX Fresh Air Skylight reduces outside noise by up to 25 percent and plastic by up to 50 percent. In addition, this skylight is coated with VELUX’s Neat glass coating, which resists dirt and smudges, allowing it to remain cleaner for a longer period of time.
Safety and durability are also integral components of VELUX skylights. Laminated glass is used for skylights in accordance with the Memphis and Tennessee state building codes. Flashing kits are also available for VELUX skylights. These prevent water from seeping into your home without the need for sealants, which can degrade over time. You can install VELUX flashing systems on virtually any type of roof, so you can be sure your skylight will be weathertight. Three start specialist Admiral Roofing provides the longest warranty consisting of ten years of a Velux skylight with a Velux flashing kit.
Skylights and Roof Windows: Must Have Accessories
Skylight Blinds

Skylight Blinds
If you are concerned about adding a new skylight to your home, don’t forget that you will also need some accessories. If you want a shady environment when you need one, such as when you want to relax or sleep, you may want to install a VELUX blind. With today’s VELUX blinds, you don’t even have to get up every time you want to open or close one, as they’re electrically powered. VELUX even uses solar energy to power some of its blinds, saving you money on electricity bills. Manual blinds are also available in the market if you prefer hand control.
Fresh Air Skylight

Fresh Air Skylight
The use of systems for opening and closing the skylight might be an additional option you might want to consider, especially if you have a difficult-to-reach skylight. Discover how you can make your skylight more practical, secure, and smart with VELUX accessories.
Admiral Custom Roofing, through Velux USA, offers a wide range of skylights and roof windows to fit any home’s style and budget. A very popular type for this fresh air health-conscious homeowner is the solar-powered skylight. Alternatively, you can always opt for the electric version of the fresh air skylight, but the only thing that would be necessary is to connect the power line. With the manual fresh air skylight, you can still get more light and fresh air without breaking the bank. However, if you just want the additional light, Admiral Roofing can also install the fixed skylight, which will save you even more money than a manual skylight.
The most famous is the easy-to-open and use solar fresh air skylight. Solar power fresh air skylights capture daylight and use it to recharge their batteries. A battery-operated operator is used to open and close the skylight. The battery-operated operator is fully concealed. This unit also has a built-in rain sensor in case you forget to close the skylight and it begins to rain; never worry again. The Velux skylight will close itself, so your home will not receive any water damage.
It is hard to know what type of skylight and roof window will work best for your home until Admiral Roofing comes and inspects your home with a Three Star Specialist. Your Three Star Specialists will be able to determine whether a curb mount or deck mount skylight is required. Curb mount skylights are necessary for homes with low slope roofs or three pitches or less. A curb mount skylight is usually used in low-slope roof installations to help divert water away from the deck. The deck mount skylight is used in most other installations. When a low-slope roof is used, water can accumulate on the top of the skylight and create a leak issue. By using a deck mount, the skylight will be raised off the deck, keeping the water away from the glass. Deck mount skylights look nice on steeper sloped roofs because they are low-profile. When installed on a steep slope roof, Velux skylights can keep your skylight watertight, and the skylights also come with a ten-year warranty.
A skylight that is solar, electric, and manual or fixed mounted is the next decision you have to make. You cannot go wrong with a solar-powered fresh-air skylight with blinds since it is the top-of-the-line skylight for your project. It is a little more expensive, but it is definitely worth it. Once you have installed your Velux skylights, you only need the remote control to use them. The remote control can manage all the skylights in your home, or a different remote can be used for each room.
Sun Tunnel Natural Light

Sun Tunnel Natural Light
You can still have a skylight and roof windows if your home has a flat ceiling; all you need to do is install a light well in your attic. In order to capture all the light available from your Velux skylight, it is very important to have a trained professional install your light well. When built incorrectly, your available light will be decreased by 30%, which is a significant amount.
There is no reason you can’t benefit from a skylight if your ceiling is flat. Curb mount skylights are designed for flat roofs and can add light to your room even with flat roofs. You can increase the brightness and comfort of any room in your home with VELUX skylight light shafts. Light can be directed towards any part of your home by using reflective surfaces on the interior of the tunnel.
The ability to control the environment with blinds is desired by 50% of consumers, but only one in ten of them is able to do so. The presence of natural light changes the way we feel about a specific room in a positive way, which is why people like and need some drama in their rooms. With Velux skylights and blinds, you can add balance, privacy, and energy efficiency to any room. When you want to take a nap in a room in the day time with a skylight, simply close the room’s darkening blinds, and you’re all set for a nap. Double-pleated or flat blinds can easily darken a day or a room. Filtering and softening the light entering the room is the purpose of the light-filtering skylight blinds. Light filtering blind is ideal for kitchens and living rooms that require diffused light. A Venetian skylight blind can be used to control the amount of light entering a room as well. Venetian blinds are perfect for a bonus room. In addition to the color option, Velux offers eleven factory-installed blinds in multicolor options: white, beige, green, gray, and charcoal for blackout blinds, and white, classic sand, misty brown, lovely latte, shiny cappuccino, and filtered white for light filtering blinds.
Don’t let that dark spot in your house go to waste. Hallways, bathrooms, and closets always seem to need more light. You can light up that unwelcome area of your house with a Velux sun tunnel. A Velux sun tunnel with an attractive ceiling diffuser will diffuse soft and restful light throughout the room. A flexible tunnel is available from Velux and is easier to install, or there is the rigid, reflective tunnel, which provides the brightest light. Admiral Roofing recommends the rigid sun tunnel because it provides an extra amount of light to the room. Because the rigid pipe is non-flexible, it cannot be used everywhere. So keep in mind you need a direct path down from the roof to the room you want to illuminate.
A ten-year warranty is provided on all Velux roof windows and skylights that are installed by a Three Star Specialist using the Velux flashing kit. Consult your Three Star Specialist for more information on the skylights and roof windows, as well as the warranty details.
Skylights and Roof Windows: Is A Skylight Right For You?
Three Great Reasons to Replace Your Skylights
VELUX or Admiral Roofing in Tennessee, or the Northern areas of Mississippi can provide you with more information about skylights and roof windows. If you are considering installing a new skylight, you can get enough information to assist you in your decision.
In Conclusion: Best Time to Change Skylights
When you re-roof your house, the time is right to replace your old skylights. It is convenient and inexpensive because the old roof has already been taken off, and the deck around the skylights has been cleaned. The shingles near the skylights do not need to be torn back because everything is clean, and you can easily install synthetic felt around the new skylights. Aside from the 10-year no-leak warranty, Velux offers a federal tax credit with the new Velux skylights if you install the flashing kit they recommend.